Tuesday 8 April 2014

4) Who would be the audience for your media product?

My chosen target audience was teenagers, students in particular as I'm a student and felt it would be easier to relate with them. I feel a large amount of students are interested in the Indie Rock genre and this age group are more likely to buy and Indie Rock magazine. The artists mentioned in my magazine usually aim their music at teenagers and therefore I felt it would be more appealing to them. I also chose my friend who is also a student to be my artist as students often relate to people who are their age.
I made sure my magazine was suitable for both genders as well by using a mixture of artists, features and a neutral colour scheme which would appeal to both.
I feel all of my intended readers value many aspects of a celebrities life, and not just the music they create. To follow this theory, I made my article about not only music but slightly about controversial topics such as drugs, as well as delving more into the life of a celebrity.

I feel the plug on my front cover appeals to my audience on a large scale because the majority of people who attend concerts are students. I asked various people around my college whether they were going to any music festivals this year and a large majority of them, including myself, mentioned that we are going to Leeds Festival where a large majority of the artists mentioned in my magazine will be performing. 

Adding my own photos to the magazine contents page added realism and reinforced what audience would be interested in my magazine as they're often the type of people who go to gigs like the ones that are pictured above.

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