Saturday 29 March 2014

Final Front Cover

My final front cover which was made after large amounts of research into other magazines follows the conventions of a typical music magazine front cover. This includes conventions such as a colour scheme, features, main image, barcode/price, plug and the masthead.
The colour scheme I chose was blue, black and white as I thought it stood out and followed the indie genre. 

The making of my final front cover

The making of my final front cover edited started with adding the main image to an A4 page in Photoshop.

I then edited the main image and made the background colour more even, using the eyedropper tool and the paintbrush tool. 

Then using the text tool, I created my masthead ‘BMC’. 

I then added a footer to my front cover, using the text tool. I also found a barcode image on google and added it with the price, issue number and date. 

Using the text tool once again, and going through various fonts I made my features, all whilst making sure they were relevant to my chosen genre. 

I then added the main headline to my front cover which took over a lot of space and started to bring the magazine together.

 he final convention that I added to my magazine front cover was the plug. I used the ellipse tool which created the circle and then I added the text inside it.

Friday 28 March 2014

Final Double Page Spread

My final double page spread sticks to my specific house style and follows many of the conventions of a typical music magazine double page spread. These include, the main image being placed on the left, one or more pull quotes, the article on the right page and the title. 

The making of my final double page spread

First I opened a new page, turned the canvas landscape and placed my image where I wanted it. 

I then used the quick selection tool to go around my model as best as possible and coloured the background in. I then removed the quick selection and used the rubber/paintbrush to perfect the outline. 

I added my double page spread boarders with the line tool and put in the page numbers, date and other boarder writing using the text tool. I also added a small black background for page numbers to make them stand out by filling the rectangle tool in, in black.

By using the text tool I added my headline and double page spread article. I went on to choose fonts that I thought were suitable.

added a pull quote next to my model which makes the space seem less blank.

Finally, I chose a different paintbrush and decided to add an effect to the background of the main written features of my double page spread.