Sunday 13 October 2013

LIIAR analysis and existing products research

I looked at these three magazine front covers for inspiration and ideas when creating my own front cover.

Language: The main image is relevant to the magazine as it's a student from the college campus and it contains many connotations including the relaxing atmosphere of the college that the front cover implies. The colour scheme seems to be mainly red and blue with additional black font and green from the background, this makes the magazine appealing to both genders as they're suitable colours. The model is stood smiling in an open area which implies relaxation, open opportunities and happiness. The headline is in a large, red font which attracts attention. 
Ideology: The attitudes, beliefs and values of this magazine front cover are to be appropriate and useful to the student readers and inform and educate about the latest events. The colour red is used often which could signify passion towards the college and her subjects. The girl has been placed in a field with only trees around her which could indicate open opportunities from the college. 
Institution: Either the students or teachers at the college. 
Audience: The audience for this specific magazine would be students or teachers at the college.
Representation: The student on the cover is portrayed as happy and relaxed which enables parents/teenagers to get an idea of how the college may make you feel as a student.
Language: The photo on this front cover is of a man holding Law textbooks which indicates the kind of courses available at the college and they make the college look more academic and professional. He looks casual and relaxed which gives the college a good outlook. The layout, subheadings and colours show that the magazine is suitable and relevant for both male and female students. The layout isn't too formal either which indicates what audience the magazine's aimed at which are teenagers.
Ideology: This college magazine and all other college magazines need to come across as serious about learning but also show that it can still be an enjoyable experience, so with the casual clothing and happy/relaxed look it gives the college a good image.  
Institution: Either the students or teachers at the college.
Audience: The audience for this and all other college magazines would be students or teachers at the college.
Representation: The background to this front cover is black which makes it look simple but props like the college textbooks are added to show what the magazine/college is really about. This reflects on how the college feels about their subjects and portrays them as being serious about them. 
Language: The photo shown on this cover is a famous artist that many students may have heard of, therefore it would appeal to many of them. The colours of this page are coordinated and although the blue is rather dark, the yellow text lightens it slightly and makes it more visible. The layout/design is very informal which implies that it is aimed at teenagers.
Ideology: This front cover wants to appeal to students and so they used a celebrity as their main image because many people will know who he is and therefore want to buy the magazine to see how the celebrity is linked to their college. 
Institution: Either the students or teachers at the college.
Audience: The audience for this and all other college magazines would be students or teachers at the college.
Representation: The image shows the celebrity as laid back and happy which would appeal to teenagers and possibly encourage them to buy the magazine as they may be interested in what's going on in the celebrity's life.

Each of these magazines are very similar as they're made by the same institution. The colour schemes on each magazine are very bright which can link to happiness therefore implying the college is a happy place to be. Each front cover has very similar fonts for their mastheads and sell lines but the colours vary so that the colour scheme matches and the magazine will be recognisable throughout it's publishing. The first and second front covers include students as their main images which shows that the college like to get students involved and that they are the main feature to the college and its progression. The third magazine front cover has a celebrity as it's main image which can appeal to students if they enjoy that specific music. All of the models on the photos seem happy which reassures people that the college isn't a stressful and terrible environment. 

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