Sunday 13 October 2013

Evaluation of my final product

As part of my planning process for my own college magazine front cover I analysed many other existing products including Vogue and specific college magazines therefore I could easily take in their similar conventions and apply them to my own front cover to make it look as professional as possible. I created mock ups of a magazine front cover, a contents page and a double page spread so that I got a basic idea of how things should look and where the conventions should be placed. I made an initial ideas spider diagram and a mood board to help review different options and I also took pictures of different shot types to find the best option. I also followed the brief closely as to make sure I didn’t complete any tasks incorrectly. As a result of research I came to the conclusion that my magazine should be aimed at college students and their parents.
I used the typical layout of any other magazine and it’s very similar as I used real magazines as a main base for my research so that it would fit with the correct conventions and not look out of place.
I used a photo of a college student in front of a college building to fit the whole criteria and added a feature about her which said ‘Top student goes to Oxford’ which not only explains the reason she is on the front cover but also makes the college look good. ‘Fresher’s party images inside!’ and ‘New York trip’s success’ are also featured on the front as they would be two of the main stories inside the magazine. The masthead covers a small amount of the top of the front cover and is in a large, bold font so it is visible. The colours used are purple which fits the whole colour scheme and makes it recognisable. The date and issue number are placed underneath the masthead and to the left in a much smaller font because they don’t need as much attention. I also added a barcode and price to the bottom right as it’s a main convention to any magazine and can be crucial.

My front cover needed to appeal to all social groups in a college so I tried to add points which each student/parent would be interested in. The colour scheme was selected carefully as it needed to appeal to both genders whereas if I chose pink it’s likely people would have associated it with girls and if it was blue people would associate it with boys. The font is also bold and plain therefore appealing to all social groups/genders.
As I have mentioned briefly I decided the audience for my magazine is college students and their parents as I believe it would be more appealing to those as opposed to anyone else. The features and the fact it’s a college magazine would appeal more to those people rather than anyone else as I designed the whole project on what their preference towards certain aspects would be and what they would be more interested in.

To attract and address my audience I added points that they would find appealing. As many students are involved in the Fresher’s party I added ‘Fresher’s party images inside!’ to attract their attention and make them feel the magazine is appealing towards them. ‘Top student goes to Oxford’ makes people feel ambitious and want to succeed throughout college as many students also have an ambition of going to a successful university therefore using this feature would appeal to those people.

The shot I chose for my front cover was a medium close up as it not only shows the expression clearly on the model’s face but also shows a large amount of her surroundings and her body language. Medium close ups are often used on magazine front covers as they show a clear image of the model and usually if a long shot is used it would be in a fashion magazine so the clothing is visible. I learnt that putting the model in an appropriate place for the photo can add a good effect and link the conventions together therefore my model was put in front of the college building as it’s for a college magazine. The model is smiling which creates the feeling that the college has a good/happy atmosphere and therefore makes it more appealing to other people. I barely edited the actual photo; I only made the model’s face look clearer and changed the folder colour to purple so that it fit the colour scheme. To make the features and masthead stand out and readable I added a white glow around the colours and as a result they didn’t blend into the background too much. Using Photoshop has made editing photos a lot easier and makes them look more professional. The original photo that I planned to use wasn’t appropriate for this specific task as the college sign was visible at the top and therefore made it too difficult to add a masthead and so I decided that taking another photo and using that would be much easier and would fit the task’s criteria a lot more.

As a whole I believe that doing the perfume task made this task much easier as I managed to get practice in Photoshop beforehand and I feel I know how to make a product look more professional. The perfume task helped me understand what is expected of the tasks throughout media studies, what conventions apply to specific aspects of tasks and how to apply them correctly.
If I could make my front cover differently I would maybe add a photo that looked more professional and possibly edit it to make it look a better quality but overall I am happy with my final result. The research put into the product definitely helped a lot as without viewing other examples of conventions I wouldn't have been able to make my own front cover in a realistic way.

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