Friday 14 February 2014

DPS Draft one

My double page spread was edited and pieced together entirely on Photoshop which made certain aspects like making sure the articles were placed in line quite difficult. Q and NME magazines helped with inspiration for my DPS layout and certain conventions that I followed include the one large image taking up one page, the article on the other side, a pull quote, social media logos and page numbers in the bottom corners. Aspects of my magazine like the actual layout are what I like about my DPS but I feel more needs to be added to the left side as it seems quite empty. I could possibly make the lines on the page look neater and various other changes could be made on future drafts.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Contents page draft one

My first contents page draft was edited and overall made through the use of Photoshop. I took inspiration for my layout from music magazines such as Q and NME. Various research such as looking at other contents pages helped me to follow the standard conventions of a music magazine contents page including conventions such as a masthead at the top of my page, the date, an issue number, page numbers, headers for each section and multiple images.
I am pleased with the outcome of my first draft and to improve in future drafts I would probably add conventions such as an email address and possibly more photos. 

Front cover draft two

I didn't make a big change to my front cover as I felt it didn't need to be too different to my first draft.
The only thing that I really added was an outerglow to most of the writing so that it stood out more and didn't blend into the background. After posting my first draft onto Instagram to receive constructive criticism, I was told that the black writing was quite difficult to read when it went over the black top, so I decided to resolve this by adding the white outerglow.